Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The Soup Airlines has taken off for the very first time! Here's the airline video.

It's in two parts--

The Pianist Nicole!

Famous pianist Nicole has gotten the attention of many people. Everyone enjoys Nicole's music!

Her song, "Bing bing ding".

Her song, "Eeeaaaah"

Ending a song

Monday, June 18, 2012

The NBA Players!

Yesterday, The NBA players won the Father's Day Championship! A video is included here.

Here's an interview of some players.

Soup News Reporter: How do you feel about winning the Father's Day Championshop?
Nathan: Happy.
SNR: Was the game exciting?
N: Yes.
SNR: Do you have anything else to say to readers?
N: No.

Soup News Reporter: Do you like playing basketball?
Jacob:Yeah. Hu- Pesheew! Right? Because I do this. Huh- Pesheew!
SNR: What was the game like?
J: Ten. One hundred.
SNR: Did you have fun?
J: Yeah. I got one hundred.

Well, folks, that's all for now.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

By Emily

Happy Father's day to everyone! The family had fun with their Father's day!

Dad got lots of presents!

From Brandon...


And Nathan.

Nathan loved his pumpkin pie at dessert time.

So did Brandon.

Nicole was REALLY loving her pie...

Until she dropped it.
Then she made funny faces.
Then there was dancing time.
Which was followed by a wrestling game.

Which, of course, led to crying.
Meanwhile, Nicole climbed onto the windowsill.

Then there was a spirited game of tag.

Monday, June 11, 2012


The family had fondue again and Mom had to take the forfeit. She did the chicken dance.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Family Enjoys Fondue!

By Emily

Yesterday, the family enjoyed chocolate fondue for dessert. If you are not fortunate enough to know what chocolate fondue is, it's melted chocolate. One puts a piece of fruit or something else one thinks is good with chocolate on a fondue fork, then dips it in the melted chocolate, then eats it.
If one's fruit falls off one's fork, then one has to take a forfeit. The family decided on dancing like a chicken for the forfeit. Mom danced twice. Emily did too. Brandon danced three times. Nathan danced four times. Jacob and Nicole didn't dance.
Putting apples into melted chocolate.

Nicole enjoying some chocolate.

A chocolatey baby Nicole.

Nathan eating a chocolatey banana.

A chocolatey mouth.


A happy, chocolatey baby.

BREAKING NEWS! Jacob once again causes trouble!

By Emily

 Jacob once again causes trouble by getting a crayon and drawing on the carpet. Residents of the home were not happy. So, Mom formed a cleaning team. What Mom says about this: "Jacob has promised never to color on the carpet again."
Jacob's full "masterpiece"
The stinker even added a smiley face!

To clean off the carpet, Mom, Nathan, Brandon, and Emily had to spray the carpet,

Scrub it with a scrubbrush,
And scrub it with a cloth.

The criminal paid for his crime by helping clean.

Jacob + Crayon = MESS!